Our Posts Will
- Share research from writing studies, rhetoric, and composition with a broad public, to instruct and delight in equal measure;
- Each address a single interesting “finding” in writing studies research;
- Be relatively short, ranging from 275 to 3000 words;
- Connect to timely events or discussions in public discourse and/or popular culture;
- Share public, open-access versions of sources wherever possible (and screenshot relevant elements where not);
- Reflect short-form web publishing practices, including frequent use of Creative Commons-licensed images, and thoughtful and rhetorical link citation practices;
- Be written at no more than a 12th-grade reading level, ideally closer to 7th or 8th, with the goal of reaching younger, non-expert, non-English-fluent readers;
- Present at least one piece of research, either original or published, academic or otherwise;
- Be copy-edited but not peer-reviewed or refereed
Our Readers Will Be
- Interested in language and writing;
- Interested in writing studies research;
- Potentially global;
- Potentially non-native English-speaking;
- Willing to engage with complex ideas, but seeking approachable language;
- Potentially teachers, potentially writing teachers—but not necessarily
We Won’t Assume That Our Readers Are
- Academic;
- Teachers;
- English monolingual;
- Familiar with any particular work or person cited, academic or otherwise;
- Able to access academic literature of any kind;
- Comfortable with academic jargon of any kind;
- Subscribers to any particular ideology or political party;
- Seeking to “steal ideas” and rush them to publication ahead of the author
Our Writers Will Be
- Willing to share their findings in brief, informative posts, with an interested, intelligent, but non-academic public;
- Volunteer, at least at the outset;
- Likely unrecognized, officially, for the work they put into posts;
- Committed to the publication and its potential role in improving the status and global/policy recognition of rhetoric and composition research